Duo Birth Control Concept
Rethinking agency: codependent birth control
How can we balance the power paradigm when it comes to reproductive power?
Graphic designer
A speculative contraceptive technology product for couples that aims to empower both partners, as well as hold them accountable. DUO consists of two pill packs: one for the male and one for the female partner.
Concept development, branding, packaging design
DUO taps into challenging questions about equality, agency and codependency in romantic relationships.
Illustrator, Photoshop
4 weeks
MFA in Product Design

1. Iterate, iterate, iterate. After a half dozen prototypes of the packaging, I finally got the product to look real, which is crucial to cultivate the world-building that speculative design depends on.
2. Treading the line of challenging cultural topics like gender and reproductive rights is hard (and at times scary), but I find these questions too interesting and too important to shy away from.
Next steps
1. This speculative product is only for male/female couples, but the relational challenges it brings to light are not unique to this demographic. I'd like to contemplate other product and interaction concepts that might benefit non-traditional couples in their quest for agency, connection, or collaboration.